Frequently Asked Questions
Your Policy
Motor Insurance
Home Insurance
Group Life & Disability
What am I covered for?
Your policy wording and policy schedule explains exactly what is covered. If you are still unsure, please contact us and we will be happy to help.
I can't find my policy document. What can I do?
Please contact us for a replacement copy.
How do I change my policy?
Please contact us to make a change to your policy. Some changes may require additional payment and for you to come and see us.
What is a deductible or excess?
Deductible and excess mean the same thing. It's the first amount of a claim that you must pay and will be listed on your policy schedule.
What deductible might I have to pay if I lodge a claim?
Deductibles for home and property claims are listed against a specific peril. For example, if the claim is due to a hurricane or other catastrophe, you will have to pay the deductible or excess applicable to peril three in your HomeCover Insurance policy. For motor claims, you might have a standard, imposed or voluntary excess. Check your MotorCover policy schedule for details.
What do I do if I change address?
Be sure to contact us immediately so we can keep your policy up to date.
What is a No Claims Discount?
A No Claims Discount is a discount on your motor vehicle insurance when you have had cover for more than a year and not made a claim. It accumulates each year you remain insured with us to a maximum of 60%.
Can I protect my No Claims Discount?
Yes, by purchasing Heritage Plus.
After four years of motor insurance without a claim you can earn No Claims Discount Protection for one "at fault" claim every year. This means that when you have an accident you won't lose your No Claims Discount, even if the accident is your fault.
How do I get Loss of Use cover?
By purchasing Heritage Plus.
If your motor vehicle is lost, destroyed or damaged under Section One of the policy, we will pay up to $75 per day, max 7 days, towards the daily rate for a rented vehicle.
Can I get higher Legal Liabilities to Third Parties limits?
Yes, by purchasing Heritage Plus.
This will give you up to $10,000,000 death & bodily injury any one event, $5,000,000 death & bodily injury to an individual and $250,000 property damage.
What is Market Value?
This is the fair value of your motor vehicle at the date of loss or damage in its condition immediately before the event giving rise to the loss or damage.
What is a modification and how do I advise you?
A modification is any change or alteration to the motor vehicle that is different to the manufacturer's original specifications. Please contact us if any such changes are made.
Who is insured to drive my car?
Anyone over the age of 25 and with more than 2 years driving experience may drive your car with your permission unless we have excluded him/her to do so. Please contact us immediately with the details of any drivers under the age of 25 or any that has 2 years or less driving experience.
Can I insure my son's/daughter's car?
No, not if your son/daughter owns the car. Only the owner of the car can insure it. If you have insured it in your name when it belongs to your son/daughter, we may not pay the claim and we may cancel the policy. If you not are the rightful owner of the car, we recommend you insure the car in your son’s/daughter’s name. This also allows them to build their own No Claim Discount record.
Whose contents are covered?
Island Heritage HomeCover Insurance covers your contents and those of any family members living with you. This can include your spouse, children, parents, grandparents, siblings, grandchildren, in-laws, and even your domestic helper.
Do I have enough insurance?
Your Buildings must be insured for the cost of rebuilding it plus an allowance for removal of debris after a loss, in addition to any architect and surveyor fees.
What happens if my Sum Insured is too low?
If your sum insured is too low, you will be penalised when you make claim. The amount you have claimed will be reduced in proportion to the degree of under-insurance. For example, if the cost to rebuild your home is $250,000 and you are only insured for $150,000 (60% of the value of the home), we will only pay 60% of your claim, less any deductible.
What about special and valuable contents?
It is important that you tell us about valuables such as jewellery, cameras, computers and laptops. Please contact us with any questions.
How do I get a quote?
Simply go to Get a Quote or email us at [email protected] or call us on +1 345 949 7280.
How do I make a Motor claim?
Simply go to Make a Claim for claims advice, email us at [email protected] or call us on +1 345 949 7280.
Do not accept any liability.
Call us immediately on +345 949 7280 or email us at [email protected]
and we will take care of the details for you. -
Immediately inform the police if the insured motor vehicle or its accessories are lost, stolen, or maliciously damaged.
Make a detailed diagram to explain the accident and take photos if possible.
Notify us as soon as possible in writing within 30 days of the date of loss. Be sure to include your policy number, type of loss and location, time and date of loss, and if there are any injuries involved.
Take all reasonable steps to reduce your loss and recover any lost or stolen property.
Forward to us any letter or legal document related to the claim.
Allow us to discuss liability and negotiate settlement or recovery with any other party
What should I do if I have damage to my home and contents?
Contact us immediately on +1 345 949 7280 or [email protected].
Safeguard yourself and property as much as possible. Do not throw anything out.
Remove all undamaged items away from the peril.
Document all damage, taking photos whenever possible.
What happens if I forget to tell you something, or provide incorrect information?
If you give wrong or incomplete information your claim may be delayed or declined.
What is Group Long Term Disability Insurance?
If an employee becomes sick or injured, Disability Insurance replaces a percentage of their gross monthly income. Island Heritage offers monthly income replacement up to age 65. This ensures that disability claimants (employees) can meet their financial obligations and have a source of ongoing income while out of work.
Why should I provide Group Disability Insurance to my employees?
Robust benefits packages can be used as a recruiting tool. Employers who differentiate themselves with high-quality, comprehensive benefits packages demonstrate they care about their employees' needs and are proactive. This puts you, and your company, in the best recruiting position possible, thereby driving the highest quality candidates into your employee pool.
What is the difference between Short Term Disability and Long Term Disability?
Short Term Disability pays benefits weekly during the benefit period, for a maximum of 26 weeks. Long Term Disability pays benefits monthly during the benefit period, which can be based on a set period (5 years or 10 years) or terminate at age 65.
What levels of Group Life and Disability Insurance coverage do you offer?
Our Group Life and Disability plans are generally either a flat amount or a multiple of salary, ranging from one to four times your current annual salary. Disability insurance (long term) is based on a percentage of monthly gross salary. Disability insurance (short term) is based on a percentage of weekly gross salary. All salary-based benefits are exclusive of overtime, bonuses or other forms of additional compensation.
How much Group Life Insurance can I get?
A group insurance policy is a contract between your employer and Island Heritage. The terms and conditions of that contract are determined through consultation between your employer and Island Heritage. You should contact your Human Resources Department to obtain information specific to your plan.
Can I cancel my Group Life Insurance at any time?
No. Only the authorised representative of your company can cancel a group insurance contract.
Can employees continue to receive Group Life Insurance coverage after retirement?
Group Life Insurance generally expires upon termination of employment or retirement, but all plans are unique.
If you are an employee, you should contact your Human Resources Department to obtain information specific to you plan.
If you're the plan administrator for your business, you can call your Island Heritage Corporate Relationship Manager or email [email protected].
What type of coverage levels do you offer for Group Life Insurance?
Coverage amounts for Group Life Insurance are generally either a multiple of salary (e.g. two times annual salary) or a flat amount (e.g. $50,000). The benefit is determined through consultation between the employer and Island Heritage at the time of contract negotiation.
What is a beneficiary and how can an employee’s beneficiaries be verified or changed?
Your beneficiary should be someone dependent on you for financial support such as a spouse or child.
You can designate more than one person as your beneficiary and decide how you wish the benefit to be divided. You should review your beneficiary designation regularly and, if your circumstances change, you can change your beneficiary. Only you can make changes to your designated beneficiary.
If an employee leaves the company, are they still able to receive Group Life Insurance?
Group Life Insurance generally expires upon termination of employment or retirement. You should contact your Human Resources Department to obtain information specific to your plan.